The Birth of the Great Saint Bridgi BaBa is fortold in our Holy Bridgible.
" When the moon touches the feet
When the sun turns red
When there will be havoc
And the earth open her bleeding heart
When the monsoon touches the land of ancient greats.
To the southern most of all ,
He will emerge from the womb of his mother.
He shall be the savior, the prince,the Messiah of all the slaves
sitting idle and working day and night .
And His name will bring happiness to all"
Great Prophets 21:76
Bridgible Old Testament
And in the Holy Bridgible there are numerous instances where we can find the
teachings of our great Guru BridgiBaBa
" Thou are the little boat floating in the endless ocean of highly
concentrated spirits."
Exodus 03:11
Bridgible Old Testament
"The more Thou lean towards the ground the more the internal charisma in thou"
Revelations 17:16
Bridgible New Testament
At first there was nothing.Then heard a loud noise, a noise similar to tumbling of 1000 glasses.
And Bridgibaba said Let there be a space then space appeared in the corner.The day ended here.
Second day Bridgibaba shouted let the light be filled here suddenly the light appeared on the top which can be filled into any hand.The second day ends here.
Third Day Bridgibaba told let there be water.Suddenly water appeared in the space with all forms, some are highly concentrated he named it as Large.while others are named less colorful He named them as small. And some others are very cold He named it chilled. End of Third day.
On forth day baba roared let there be animals, vegetables,and fishes. Suddenly all the three appear in the space And He ate them one by one. End of Forth day.
On fifth day Baba found that all the water had dried up. Then he became furious he grumbled let it be full of water every where. Suddenly three sources of holy water appear in front of him.The first one was very tall He named it as Full. the next one is small .he named it as Half.and the third one has no definite shape He named it as pint.
On the sixth day Baba saw what he had created.He was very happy.he sang divine songs loudly.And he decided to take rest.
He shouted again let me be rest.Suddenly angels appear all around him and put him into the divine cart.End of the sixth day.
Seventh day Baba woke up and decided to sleep again.End of Seventh Day.